But dust we know, has long withstood
Endless attacks by womanhood,
And warded off from dusk to dawn
Their sprays and rags and feathered wands.
It merely moves from place to place
Drifting around with easy grace,
Till once again it gently drops
To shelf and desk and tabletop
And settles down scorned and eschewed,
There to remain until pursued
Again in unavailing chase
Around the house from place to place.
But in the end, they suffer pains:
Sore backs and arms: -the dust remains,
For dust is an eternal thing
Always benign, not menacing!
As husbands know, the dust exists
For writing notes and grocery lists,
For jotting down phone numbers too!
- A handy kind of residue!
For one may write on dust with ease,
And save the paper, and those trees!
...A notepad that is heaven-sent
For guarding the environment!
Back to the top of this page.
With apologies to Robert Browning
"How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix".
We sat round a table, a dozen or so
Discussing the merits that make poems flow.
You need a good story, for that need is prime,
And then perfect meter, to accent great rhyme!
But how many rhymers are there that you meet
That feel if it rhymes, then the job is complete?
No careful thought given to meter and stress
Produces a rhyme that is apt to depress!
If you rode with Browning to Aix down from Ghent,
And galloped the whole night 'til horses were spent,
You'd know, come the morning, long after that time
That meter is very important to rhyme!
For you can imagine as you ride that course,
You feel the great strength of your galloping horse,
The rippling muscles, the four flying feet,
The ring of the hooves on the cobblestone street.
One syllable added or stripped from that race
And both horse and rider will fall on their face.
Good meter transmutes poems to their apex,
And that would be great news to carry to Aix!
I'm immune to bonds that hold men;
Bonds of place and gravity
And may fly to where I wish to.
Anyplace I want to be!
I can venture to the future
In a rocket powered by rhyme,
Or I can rewrite history
Back in the mists of time.
I can take you to the Arctic
And we'll never feel the cold,
Or dive to find a galleon
Laden with sunken gold!
For no boundaries hold the poet
As they may hold other men.
He's transported in an inkling
By the power of his pen!
We need no trains or cars or planes.
Nor ships to span the sea,
Imagination carries us
To where we want to be!
Frivolous, unimportant things
As memories overflow.
Things unimportant even then...
So very long ago!
The train is racing toward us
Black smoke belching from its stack
The monster shakes the very earth
As it roars down the track!
Tensing on the bridge above
The railroad line below.
The passing train wraps us in smoke!
..We flaunt our bravado!
For we were young an brave and tough
And stood our ground like men
Against three hundred tons of steel,
..A smoking Dragon then!
We stood against its fiery breath
And smoke that made us choke
Of course we knew that we'd survive,
It was a boyhood joke.
Yesterday I watched a train
As it rolled down the track.
Although they do the same job now,
There's something that they lack...
They whine and stink of diesel oil
There's no romance to-day!
So give us back those big steam trains
That thrilled our yesterdays!
Back to the top of this page.
The brakes released, she raced along
Swept by the turbines' wrath
But just ahead, a strip of metal
Lay within her path.
A tire pierced quickly explodes..
The shrapnel from the wheel..
Can not be stopped by aircraft skin
Destroyed by shards of steel.
A ruptured fuel tank quickly spills
Its vapour to the air.
Ignited there by hot exhaust
It streams out in a flare!
Two engines starved of fuel shut down.
The hand of fate is nigh...
Her speed too high to hope to stop..
..Too slow to reach the sky!
She struggled from the runway
And clawed to gain some height
With tongues of flame streaming behind
She seemed a forlorn sight.
We see a stricken aeroplane
A hundred souls inside
People with friends, and goals and hopes
That now will be denied!
They looked out of the window
And saw within the frame,
Their fates were written on the wind
In smoke and yellow flame.
A mile or two of struggle
And then the fatal stall,
The crash to earth, the violent fire,
The final smoking pall...
I watched it and the world watched too
I couldn't look away!
I fear that I will always feel
The horror of that day!
Back to the top of this page.
Here's to all those moving words
That might have brought renown!
Those words that stirred the poet,
But were never written down.
Exciting words that thrilled you
In the middle of the night,
When there's not a pen or piece
Of paper anywhere in sight!
And you lack the motivation
To quit the comfy bed
To store them some place safe away.
...You close your eyes instead.
Consigned to misty memory
Until the bright new dawn,
When they have vanished with the night,
And all your words have gone!
They've gone to join ten million words
Of others and became
Elusive words that stole away,
And never brought you fame!
Back to the top of this page.
We're here for just a little while,
A mere instant in time.
A single flutter of a heart
In life's great pantomime.
The act of birth; a miracle!
...A death sentence as well!
For just beyond the wondrous joy..
The tolling of that bell.
Old age should not a burden be,
Though we may feel that's true.
..Consider it a privilege
That's granted to a few.
Back to the top of this page.
The crystal sea is all around
Surf crashes on the shore.
We hear the sea birds' piercing cries,
And hear the breakers roar.
"Swim between the flags",they say
Within the safe enclave,
Where life guards watch, but may not see
The shadow in the wave.
The surfers come from miles around
To ride the surging flow.
Uncaring, perhaps unaware
Of what may wait below.
And from the headland, I can see
Out past the breaker line
They're waiting for that perfect wave
That long rolling pipeline.
Each bobbing on the heaving sea
like fisher's floats they wait
For the surfing addict's golden fleece.
-From here they look like bait.
Out there beyond the foaming surf
There lies a great unknown
Unpenetrated, unexplored,
An enigmatic zone.
When life first ventured onto land
T'was from the sea it came.
As moths are drawn to candle's light
She beckons like a flame..
We have a kinship with the sea
Our make up makes that plain
But always, we trespass upon
A Carnivore's domain.
Back to the top of this page.
At dawn you hear the crackle
As the sap in frozen trees
Splits the tree trunks like a gunshot
Down below fifty degrees.
And the crying of the kee birds
As they circle in the sky,
In ever smaller circles
'Til they vanish bye and bye-
Up their fundamental orifices,
Or so the story's told,
In their fruitless desperation
To escape the awful cold.
Turn on the car's ignition
And all it does is groan!
You forgot to plug the car in,
And the motor's turned to stone.
But the sun on newly fallen
Snow's a magic fairyland,
And windows all display the art
Of Jack Frost's gifted hand.
There must be other places
Where the weather's more perverse,
And the moment that I think of one
I'll write another verse.
Do you wonder where we're going
When you watch the news to-day?
Are we really on the right road
Or has mankind lost its way?
True, we live a life of plenty
That's the envy of our race,
But our industries exact a cost
That's really a disgrace!
When the chemicals and sewage
Have killed all the coral reefs,
When the seaside towns are deluged
By the tides without relief,
When the last river's been poisoned,
When the last fish has been caught,
When the last great tree has fallen,
When the board room has been taught-
That pursuit of gold and silver
In the end is asinine,
When you've garnered all the money,
You can't eat the bottom line.
The road is long, the job is tough,
Success is hard to find.
The goal seems always out of reach
For most of our mankind.
While most will say, "It can't be done!"
A few will say, " I can! "
The difference between the two,
...The measure of the man.
They said that I must write a verse
About the month of May.
They said that I must write "Free Verse",
-That rhyming was passe'.
I have no quarrel with free verse
But I can not agree
That wanting for a better name,
They call it "poetry".
The black Crow has a strident call
A harsh, unpleasant thing,
But changing what you call the bird
Won't make the black bird sing.
In grace of flight, the Turkey is
A true inferior,
But calling it an Eagle
Will not make your turkey soar!
Just listen to your inner Muse
And not to those "who know",
For if, in you, a poet dwells,
Your heart will tell you so!
Your rhymes must be a perfect match,
And metered to an art.
If you can't feel your poem's pulse,
Your poem has no heart.
My Putih is no working dog,
Not black and white and quick.
Golden Retrievers don't run sheep,
He couldn't take a trick.
I took him to the sheepdog trials
In town last Saturday.
And though we didn't know the rules,
I knew he'd like to play!
We watched them work from frosty morn
Until the sun was low,
Though every dog was keen to please.
The sheep were much less so!
Chased out in threesomes on the field,
They stood and wondered why.
They muttered idly to themselves
And gazed around the sky.
Within the ring the trainer waved
His dog to wait apart,
Until the judge's bell was heard
To indicate the start.
This dog is black and tan and small,
He doesn't have the size,
To bully and outwit three sheep
To hope to win the prize.
He lay, taut as a wound-up spring,
His focus on his prey,
And setting out the path he'd race
Along to start the fray.
Then with the bell he fairly flew
To outflank those three sheep
And quickly cut their best escape ,
So to his will they'd keep.
Advancing like a hunting cat
Upon his skittish prey.
And feinting first to left then right
He made them back away.
They stopped ! They froze and stamped their feet
They didn't like this game!
The little dog was unimpressed
His aim remained the same!
Mind games! The sheep were adamant
That they weren't going to play!
The dog must make them move again
The clock brooks no delay!
A half a dozen lightning moves
A few feet to each side
The nervous sheep have moved again,
The trick has turned the tide.
Eventually he gets them through
The gate and through the chute
And finally into the yard.
The crowd claps their tribute!
A few more dogs now try their luck
Most end with some offence
One dog attempts a frontal charge
The sheep leap through the fence.
Another cuts across between
The trainer and the sheep,
Which blows the game entirely
And makes the trainer weep!
My dog and I were going back
To head out home for tea.
And passed that small black clever dog
Tied to a shady tree.
And while they passed the ribbons out
And trophies to display,
He lay there dozing in the sun
Day-dreaming of the fray.
He knew he'd made the day worthwhile
And proved that he was versatile
I fancied that I saw him smile
He KNEW he'd won the day!!
She's always been my nemesis, but mowed my grass for free,
She's left her teeth marks on my cars, and once or twice on me!
I always knew the time would come when she would cause me tears,
But thought that time was far away. "They live for donkey's years!"
No more will children offer her fresh carrots at the fence
No timid visitors will cringe at her belligerence,
No longer will the peaceful night be shattered by her bray,
Nor will the days a month from now be as sad as today.
A mound of fresh-turned earth now scars the grass beside the dam
And salty tears for her now join the tears I shed for Sam.
Another life has reached its end, another time to cry,
For Blossom's joined her mother in that meadow in the sky.
A mile of deadly road exists, a bit beyond our ken,
Where fate awaits the careless act, a common fault of men.
Perhaps out in the country on some dusty rural road
Or wide and modern highways with a heavy traffic load.
There are no signs to mark its start, and none to mark its end,
No flashing lights will warn you of the dangers just ahead.
It may be in the heart of night, or in the blaze of noon.
There'll be no indication that your end is coming soon!
The mile behind is history, its danger's in the past.
The mile ahead, a mystery, its peril unsurpassed!
Its hazards lie round every curve, its dangers; manifold.
It waits to trap the careless, the unwary, and the bold!
Beware of inattention and the drunk whose sense has fled!
The deadliest of roads you'll drive.....
... Is that next mile ahead!
Then out the door to start her day
Arriving early at her post
High on the tower's lofty floors
A few below the uppermost
She never saw the silver bird,
Nor heard the fire's awesome roar
One instant and her day was through!
The aircraft struck beside her door.
Now desolation's all around
And pretty bird will meet his end
'Cause Debbie's in the rubble now
And cannot feed her little friend.
When disbelief has run its course
At evil done without regard
For innocents who died in vain
When safeguards left the skies unbarred.
With hindsight comes great clarity!
They should have known that they exist.
Regretfully they did not find
The nest of vipers in their midst.
The world has witnessed infamy
A deed that caught them unawares
-The terror in the window space,
The final horror on the stairs.
How can we start to understand
The hate that fills their twisted minds
-That lets them kill without remorse
An enemy their hate defines.
The awful waste of human life
And all the tears of kin and friends
Not knowing if or when to grieve
Or when the awful doubt might end.
But this will all be overcome
All in due course, there's little doubt
And justice may in time restore
A people who are all cried-out.
Round and round the engine flew, around the track I'd laid,
I raised the line about ten feet and made a little grade.
More round and round was boring, so my line had to expand!
No limitations blocked my way, the world; mine to command!
I put switches at either end and one at either side
Then built a high and graceful bridge across a river wide.
My extra rolling stock would have to have a shunting yard,
And cars and trucks can travel on my leafy boulevard!
My train set grew like Topsy, ever westward toward my sea,
Rolling on through town and village, ever forward, ever free!
Pushing on through virgin forest and across the desert wide,
Looping round the rugged mountains till I came out on this side.
But now I have a problem and I don't know what to do,
'Cause I've been on the road for days and now I'm overdue!
And that's the story officer! I'm here now on my own!
I've somehow lost my way and now I can't find my way home!
But do not accuse me, stranger, for they do not speak for me,
And though I am Australian, narrow men ignored my plea,
We have thus been dishonoured and I hang my head in shame,
That such unfeeling things were done, and in Australia's name.
One day a monument will rise, emblazoned with the name.
On the road that leads to Woomera, to mark Australia's shame.
That we held a land of plenty, and we offered others none,
But the flash of coils of razor wire glinting in the sun.
She's there, if one should care to look!
Deserted and downcast.
Half-hidden now and overgrown-
A portal to the past.
A passport to a place in time
A world that once I knew,
These great trees that were saplings then,
Now shield her from our view.
They hide the rot and peeling paint
The broken window's stare,
The ancient litter on the platform
Blowing here and there.
Grass clogs the idle right-of-way
The rails are red with rust
And unseen wraiths gaze down the tracks
From windows streaked with dust.
They strain to hear that whistle's moan
Borne by the vagrant breeze.
But all is silent, save the birds
Up nesting in the trees.
The old station is derelict
Its shutters swing awry.
And holes up on the rotting roof
Are open to the sky!
She waits, year after endless year,
Unwitting of her fate!
She's waiting for the next train,
But the next train's running late...
But my heart is with one victim
Left within the river's grasp!
While all the humans had a choice,
This one, they didn't ask!
For Kadir was an elephant
And Prague was not his place,
Far from his native India
And others of his race.
I guess that no one was to blame,
The flood was a surprise,
But I will not, can not, forget
The pleading in his eyes!
A healthy, social animal
To all the children known,
In anguish, in a distant land,
He had to die alone!
My cat has gone where all cats go
When mice get fast and cats get slow.
For sixteen years she ruled the place
As terror of the rodent race.
They all have faced their last hurrah
As victims of her fang and claw.
Once more they're gaining a beachead!
Who'll rule this Queendom in her stead?
A heroine! A puss of mark!
Perhaps a feline "Joan of Arc"!
I see her now, all black and sleek
A tiny panther will I seek.
Strong claws that clasp and teeth that bite,
Green eyes that smoulder in the night.
She'll do her rounds and see it through,
And teach those mice a thing or two!
Above Mach 2, she rent the sky,
A shock wave far behind.
The forerunner of things to come-
-But fate would be unkind!
Once more man takes a giant step
But no man need be proud
For one of mankind's finest planes
Has vanished from the clouds.
She flew with awesome majesty
Her end, with sorrow linked.
A bird with promise unfulfilled
Has just become extinct.
"Her left femur been displaced, you'll have to dig down deep!
X-rays you see, and then the knife: we vets do not come cheap!"
She now stares out at her old world while healing her incisions
The birds that feed out in the yard are quacking in derision.
Once clad in sleek black rippling fur, she's now a sorry sight
With stitches, bruised and damaged flesh earned by her prowl that night.
In time they say, her leg will heal, she'll be as good as new,
And so I guess my bank account may well recover too!
August 22, 2004.
The sultry day was near its end,
The cloying heat distressed.
The cool of evening getting near,
But still the air oppressed.
A mounting shadow from the west
Conceals the distant hills.
No breath of air disturbs the leaves,
The atmosphere is still.
The thunderhead obscures the light,
-A tower in the sky.
It roils and boils up high above,
'Tis plain a storm is nigh.
Then suddenly a burst of wind-
A breath of frigid air,
From deep within the giant cloud
The signal to beware!
A sudden flash, a crash of sound
Thor's hammer fills the night
The flares of lightning make the sky
A latticework of light.
Then lashing rain borne by the wind
That swirls the compass round.
The loud drum roll of thunder that
Now fills the world with sound.
Until at last it moves away,
Still grumbling as it fades.
The lights still flash within the cloud,
And distant cannonades.
But all the world has been reborn,
The air smells fresh at last.
The garden now can grow anew,
Now that the storm has passed.
Far down below the sunlit waves
Stresses accumulate,
And thousands up above shall know
The fickle hand of fate!
Down in the depths the menace grows,
Unseen disaster nears.
The pressure has been building here
For near two hundred years.
Then turmoil in the ocean depths
Beneath the tranquil skies.
A dozen miles of sea floor heaves
Forcing the sea to rise.
The friendly sea, the bounteous sea
Awakened from her sleep,
Has now become a fearsome
Monster rising from the deep!
The giant wave spreads outward in
An ever wider path
Across the miles toward distant lands
To vent its deadly wrath.
They saw the line of foam approach!
Perhaps some kind of tide?
No time is left to stand and stare,
It's time to run and hide.
But on the shore the people watched
This curious event,
Still unconcerned and unaware
Of what the strange wave meant.
Until it rose up from the sea
And grew to awesome height!
The peril realized at last
And changed from awe to fright.
But too late now to get away
For most their life was through,
And untold thousands swept away
With all their retinue.
The pain in time will pass away
But memories shall recall,
As history records the day
Tsunami came to call.
While strolling past the bank one day
He heard a teller's frantic shout
And quickly took a peek inside
The staff were running all about.
The patrons too seemed all upset
But no intruders were in view
He grabbed the nearest telephone
Reporting to the boys in blue.
The SWAT teams came from everywhere
On roofs and doorways, grim armed men.
NEWS choppers hovered up above
A crowd of frantic TV men.
The siege was ended in a rage
Machine guns, stun grenades and more.
The culprit captured when he was
Found cowering behind a door.
Success was gained when in the end
No cash was lost, no staff were harmed,
And all involved were very pleased
It seems the small mouse wasn't armed...
Dec 14/04
Hello, we are the creepy crims,
and we're in your vicinity.
We need people's assistance
so our job's easy to do.
If you can help, we'd like to leech
for free on your community,
You too can aid us in our work,
so here's what you can do:
Leave your house key where it's handy
when you go out grocery shopping,
It will save us time and trouble
when we come to visit you!
And don't identify your stuff,
so folks will know from whence it came.
It makes it hard for us to sell
when ownership's in view!
When you're at the supermarket,
leave your keys in the ignition,
And leave your good stuff in plain sight
so we don't waste our time!
If we're cruising slowly up your street
and looking quite suspicious,
Just ignore us if you're not sure
that we're contemplating crime.
If you follow these directions,
you will make things very easy
For us that feel that common work's
beneath our dignity.
Leave vigilance to someone else
if you have too much money,
And give us easy access
to your hard earned stuff for free...
The grey dawn streaks the morning sky and puts the dark to flight.
A few black feathers tell the tale of terror in the night!
Around the feeder ten red hens are waiting for their grain,
But big black hen is gone and she will not return again!
A stealthy flash along the fence, a glimpse of rusty red,
A furtive caller in the dark, with all the house abed!
She picks the biggest of the hens, the ideal one to steal.
A scratched out hole beneath the fence, a pathway to her meal!
And while she goes about her work my guard dog's fast asleep!
Dreaming those dreams that doggies dream about rewards he'll reap!
But back along the river bank far from the night's ordeal,
In some deep den beneath a bush her kits await their meal.
I hate her not, though I might wish she'd picked another meal.
She has a need like you and I, she really has to steal !
Regard our fellow travellers! This is no fairyland!
For some must kill and others die, it's all been poorly planned!
To contact the author of this poetry, E-mail: --Frank - frank.halliwell@gmail.com
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